Thursday, February 5, 2009

Begun To Generate Leads for

Well, I finally found a system that allows me to attract people to me.
Whats awesome about this, is that I've been looking and searching for a system for the last
year. Spent $thousands buying ebooks, videos, audios etc just to learn, but nothing ever
helped me actually put the system together.

The reason why this is so important to me, was because I had set a goal to learn this internet
marketing thing in 2008.

I can market myself offline, but I wanted to get this online thing going, and more importantly.. I wanted to make sure that I could teach someone else what they could do to have the same success.

Anyways, it's finally working for me and currently (feb. 5th), I'm generating an average of 9 leads a day. My goal was 10 a day by Feb 8th. I'm using ADwords to currently do this.

I've just started to place videos out online as well. We'll see if that helps bring up the site as well.

Now time to put out my first article.

Till next time....
Super D

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